John Chapman Home Page
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A site by John and Monica Chapman about Bushwalking (in other countries called walking,
backpacking or tramping) and wilderness photography in Australia.
We now have a Facebook page where we will post some of our news and adventures.

These links provide quick access to all Book Updates & Book Seconds
Recent books are new editions of Australian Alps Walking Track and Larapinta Trail.
Our newest book is the Sierra Grand Traverse which is a fantastic new adventure
we have created traversing the Sierra Nevada range in California - we have a small number for sale.
Seeking an electronic copy of our books? - Read our Online Guide Book Policy and Copyright
For trade sales contact one of our distributors as we don't normally sell direct to retail outlets.
Recent page - Comparison of books to phones - you might be surprised at what's lightest!

Australia is a great country for outdoor activities like bushwalking (walking, tramping or backpacking), rock climbing and photography. These are my favourite activities and I have shared them through the medium of writing books and magazine articles for many years.

Inside you will find information on some selected bushwalking tracks and ski-touring in Australia, details of my guide books along with the latest update notes for those books. The selected places will be periodically updated and added to, so come back and visit every 3 or 4 months.

Most of the information comes from our personal experience.

World Globe showing Australia
NOTE - security, this site does not use cookies or encryptions such as SSL. This is because we do not
ask for personal details anywhere. All book purchases use Paypal which is protected by SSL.
Bushwalking | Ski-Touring | Photo Galleries | Published Books
Overseas Walks | External Links | The Author | What's New | Site Map
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Snail Mail Address
John Chapman, PO Box 5042, Laburnum, 3130, Australia
Photographs and text are copyright 1998-2024 John Chapman
Last updated: September 15th  2024