Australian Alps Walking Track
Track Updates - 5th edition

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This page will detail major updates to the 2021 guide book - it will not contain all minor corrections but will have all important ones needed for walking the track  Some of the notes below will detail recent track clearing - unfortunately we expect some parts of  the track will need to be cleared two or three times over the next 10 years after a fire. Fire regrowth is prolific so expect changes in scrub cover.

NOTE - some have become confused because the track alignment on our maps and other maps do not always agree. We provide maps in the book for navigation on the AAWT as they are the only maps that show the correct location of the track. Many other maps have errors as to the tracks location - we recommend you carry and also use other maps as they show more area than a book page can. They are very useful if you lose the track, need to leave the track early or want to identify nearby points of interest such as mountains. All this has been stated on page 33 in the first paragraph on maps.

Page 33
map link at bottom of page changed to

Page 132 and 133 - in November 2021, Bushwalking Victoria cleared the original walking track of the AAWT from Taylors Crossing to Tableland Road. At the Taylors Crossing bridge turn left and follow the track marked as 'overgrown' on page 132 map. We knew that a clearing was planned but of course had no idea how long it was going to take, it might have required multiple visits or cancelled due to Covid issues. The same group also cleared the track across Morass Creek to the Benambra-Corryong Road.
Page 155, line 2. Delete 'a further 4.0km', the 4km actually happens after the 410.4km point, the notes there are correct.
Page 238 - For a good read about one persons experiences on the track read 'From Snow to Ash' by Anthony Sharwood, 2020

The new edition of the book is still on schedule for delivery in early December 2021.

Road Access

Page 66 - Rumpff Saddle, during winter each year the Mt Skene Road and the side road to Rumpff Saddle road is closed to all vehicles, currently Mt Skene Road is very rough, the Mt Victor Road is currently in good conditon and better for food drops.
The 4wd tracks often have tree fall - a result of fires and recent wind storms. A chainsaw (and the skill to use it) is a must if using 4wd tracks for food drops.

Volunteer track clearings - Bushwalking Victoria organises voluntary clearing of many tracks including the AAWT. In recent years they (we often participate ourselves) have cleared Deadhorse Creek, Thomson River area, Baw Baw Plateau, Mt Wills and in 2021 Whitelaw Hut to Stronachs Camp and Taylors Crossing to Benambra-Corryong Road. Its mainly the same group of people who come along and we really do need more to participate. Instead of complaining about overgrown tracks, why not assist!.
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John Chapman, PO Box 5042, Laburnum, 3130, Australia
Photographs and text are copyright 2007-2024 John Chapman
Last updated : January 29th 2024