Update for edition 2, 2011

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This page will be regularly updated several times each year. Most changes result from our own trips - very few bushwalkers ever write in and provide corrections. Only major changes that effect trip planning or navigation are shown here. Updates to the first edition have now been deleted as the second edition is now available.
A large fire followed by floods have damaged most walking tracks in the Grampians so expect changes on Walks 4 to 8.
Walk 6 -  At the 6km point, the other tracks have vanished, the turnoff to Borough Huts has been moved north, between the 7.5 and 9.7km point Burma Track is becoming overgrown and each creek crossing is now an eroded gully and the from the 9.7km to the end follow the road as the old track in the gully has been washed away.
Walk 12 - seat 3/4 way down has been replaced with a viewing platform. Also there has been some beach erosion the walk should only be attempted at low tide.
Walk 17 - Werribee Gorge, edit error, the grade should be Medium
Walk 21 and 22 - Lysterfield - Grassy Spur and Tramline Track have been renamed as Granite Peak Trail.
Walk 25 - Wols Track has been cleared at both ends. 4.3km Opposite the stile are 2 tracks, the right hand one is Wols Track, saves waking the short street loop. At the other end, Wols Track is extended and ends at a T-intersection with Richardsons Road about 250m north of Wallaby Track. Turn right, climb the hill and at the top turn left onto Wallaby Track. Near the end of the walk, Grey Gum Track is being revegetated, continue 100m further and you can turn rigth and follow an unmarked montain bike track back towards the start or simplet, just reverse the first 1km.
Walk 31 - McMahons Creek, currently the loop from 3.2km past the mine sites is closed.  The track that follows the aqueduct is now about 600m longer.

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Last updated : June 7th 2022